Member Benefits
Becoming a member of the American Personal Chef Association immediately entitles
you to the following benefits. These benefits are included in your annual membership
fee - there are no hidden additional fees to the association. As a member, you get:
Access to the most complete AND affordable training products
For the last 8 years, the APCA has worked hard to ensure that prices
for training products have remained as low as possible, while still being
able to expand and continually update the educational offerings. We offer both primary
education products as well as business enhancement products. Click here for more product details.
Web referrals from personalchef.com and personalchefsearch.com
Members who are ready to start getting business can have their company listed
on the web referral pages at personalchef.com and find-a-chef.com . This enables
you to target customers in your area, tell them where you service, and give
them the contact information to reach you. If you have a website, the referral
page will redirect them there so you can provide even more details about your
Active members-only discussion forums
One of the cornerstones of our benefits, the members discussion forum has more
than 100,000 business-related posts on nearly every conceivable topic relating
to the Personal Chef industry. Here nearly any question can be answered by successful,
professional industry peers. It also provides a great opportunity to
network with members from other parts of the country and to gain an insight into
different market conditions, client needs, and regional specialties.
To provide our members with the best forum experience, we avoid the use of
shareware or freeware forum software and have chosen the fully-featured, licensed UBB forum
Automatic access to local chapters where applicable
Local chapters give members the opportunity to get together in person on a
regular basis to discuss issues that effect them in their areas, plan and execute
group marketing activities, and socialize with peers. Access to member chapters
is automatic and does not require additional fees to the association before
you can join.
Liability insurance plans
Liability insurance is critical in any business operation. Our multi-vendor
plans offer Personal Chefs the choice of finding the best and most affordable coverage for their specific geographic region.
Mastercook Deluxe 9.0 Recipe & Cookbook software INCLUDED
Personal Chef Office software
All members receive FREE access to our new online business tools software for their personal chef business operations. This sofware includes client management systems with client assessment tracking, recipe/menu management with shopping lists as an adjunct to Mastercook, client accounts management, and much more.
Deep Discounts for Custon Web Site Design & Hosting Plan
Exclusive member rates for full Web services. Jump-Start your personal chef business with custom designed Web site with low hosting rates and a link from www.personalchefsearch.com. NO Templates.
An interactive CD-ROM entitled "Member's Quick Start CD" complete with
- APCA Cookbooks in Mastercook format
with installation setup and FAQs
- Web Referral Page information
- Liability Insurance
- Email Alias Address Set-up
- Fast Access to the Members' Private Forums
- Press Release Kit Templates
- Personal Chef Media Information & Articles
- Heating and Freezing Recipe Information
- Sales Presentation and BONUS Files
- Multi-media Personal Chef Film Clips
- Over 600 Interactive Files!
Best cost/benefits ratio in the industry
Even though annual membership is a tax-deductible business expense, you still
want to make sure you are getting your money's worth. We encourage prospective
members to look around to see if any other association really offers this scope
of benefits and what the actual cost is. We think you will agree that you can
not find benefits like these elsewhere, at any cost.
Joining the American Personal Chef Association could be the best professional culinary decision you've ever made!
The first year's APCA Membership is included in the purchase of any Personal Chef Training Program. Successful operating professional chefs and personal chefs may join the APCA for $300 ¹.

¹ Proof of 6 months minimum time in business by submitting a copy of DBA/Business License and Food Safety Certificate.
American Personal Chef Association 4572 Delaware Street San Diego, CA 92116 800-644-8389 619-294-2436
All rights reserved. © American Personal Chef Association 1996-2006. Last modified 8/04/06.