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APCA Personal Chef Web-Link Referral


As a member of the American Personal Chef Association, you can have a FREE Web LINK page linked from our site without those annoying free banners and ads!

Each year we receive many calls from hungry people looking for a Personal Chef in their geographical area. We supply referrals as a professional courtesy to our Association members. Now, anyone looking for a Personal Chef in their area can simply click on the map on the Personal Chef Links page, and your Personal Chef web page will appear for these potential client with your contact information for their consideration.

As you know million of potential clients are now surfing the Internet. You don't even need your own computer for this service to benefit you. Your web page will supply your telephone number and other contact information for potential clients to be able to contact you directly for your services. We want to make the process easy for hungry clients to reach you without any delays or pre-screening through third parties.

Our Member Services staff will work with you to create your professional web page which will contain all of your business contact information, your picture (optional) and your description of your service or specialty. Your web page will be linked to our American Personal Chef Registry on the PERSONAL CHEF LINKS PAGE.

There is no charge for this unique service. As an American Personal Chef Association Member you receive this Web Page as a professional courtesy. You may wish to include the information for your Web page along with your registration for the APCI training materials or the APCI Two Day Seminar.

You can also choose to get your own Web site and link your new Web address (called URL) from our Find A Chef page which receives the most hits of any page on the PersonalChef dot Com site! You do not have to spend your time and money for a Web site of your own.

The American Personal Chef Association, the original Personal Chef presence on the Internet, is committed to supplying affordable top quality training systems and ongoing support for professional Personal Chefs while continuing to honor its committment to advance the growth and integrity of the Personal Chef Industry.

Click here to order you Personal Chef Training Program thru Secure Online.

American Personal Chef Association
4572 Delaware Street
San Diego, CA 92116

All rights reserved. © American Personal Chef Association 1996-2006 Updated 8/4/01.