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About the American Personal Chef Association

Mission & Goals Statement


To promote the education and advancement of our membership in the personal chef industry and the betterment of the industry as a whole.


Exchange: To facilitate the communication and exchange of ideas between members and to promote professional contacts.
Education: To provide educational opportunities for professional and personal development for members in all sectors of the personal chef and home meal replacement industry.
Enhancement: To create and expand educational and business opportunities for our members working in or wishing to enter the personal chef industry.
Equality: To provide support and foster an environment which ensures our members equal access to the positions, power and rewards offered by this emerging industry.
Empowerment: To examine the issues of personal chefs in the workplace and to advocate the improvement of their status in the food industry.
Entitlement: To provide opportunities, encouragement and support for members of all backgrounds who wish to enter and advance in the industry.
Environment: To promote efforts to safeguard and improve the global food and water supply.
Excellence: To foster standards of excellence and integrity within the personal chef industry.

The American Personal Chef Association, one of the driving forces responsible for the creation and growth of the Personal Chef Industry, invites you to become a member of their National Organization of Professional Personal Chefs who are committed to the following:

"Growing" the Personal Chef industry in an ongoing Professional and Responsible manner.

Supporting the success of Personal Chefs - no matter what their affiliation - in building successful, fulfilling, state-of-the-art Personal Chef Businesses.

Supplying cutting edge - up to date - training and support systems for working Personal Chefs.

Providing a network for professional Personal Chefs through both the National Association and Local Chapters of the National Association, in order to represent the Personal Chef Industry as a credible force within their local communities, and as a opportunity for local Personal Chefs to share their strengths and grow together.

Providing an Internet presence with which to expand the public's knowledge, make available to the public the information for contacting Personal chefs in their areas, and to provide a PERSONAL CHEF FORUM for Personal chefs around the Globe to be in touch with one another 24 hours a day.

To also provide a MEMBER CHEF FORUM as a means of disseminating pertinent information instantly and acting as a "help-line" for member chefs with inquiries or information they wish to share with the group.

Providing the highest quality of service to our clients on an ongoing basis.

To take a stand on maintaining Personal and Professional Integrity in our industry, and to avoid the temptation of comparing our organization to that of unscrupulous competitors

To enjoy the relationship and sense of esprit-de-corps with other talented, creative Personal Chefs who share our "career of choice". To continue to allow our professional careers to enhance our emotional and financial well-being - in other words, folks - let's do great work, make money and have fun, too!

APCA Membership entitles you to the following priviledges:

  • Affiliation with a National Professional Association
  • Access to purchase APCI Training Materials and updates
  • Free Web Link on Personal Chef Links Directory, and Free Referrals
  • General Liability Insurance (Industry Standard)
  • Quarterly Information Updates
  • Access to our ACTIVE Private Members Forum
  • Membership Card
  • Click here to order you Personal Chef Training Program thru Secure Online.

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    Updated 05/23/06