Dear Candy,

Enough can’t be said about your efforts! While I’m a new pc (first cook date is Tuesday), I joined the APPCA back in November. Once I laid out all of the business plans, made it through the holidays and a needed medical procedure, I started advertising/marketing. I’m happy to let you know that my first client found my website via Find A Chef, only 1 week after my link being added to the site!

I’ve also collected a $1,000 fee for an event I’m catering for a party of 12. My closing ratio is at 100% (ha ha)! I do however, recognize that what this closing ratio means is that Find A Chef brings in well qualified leads.

And today, I received an email from an individual in Canada who found my website through Find A Chef and is wondering if I could provide consulting services to help her begin her business. My background is in consulting, so this of course is invigorating! I of course will be passing her information along to you so that you might contact her to further support my recommendation that she join the APPCA.

Thanks for you efforts. They do not go unnoticed!

Sincerest regards,

Staci Nov-27-2014