November 27, 2014 10:14 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Hello Candy I spoke to you before Christmas and I am now getting my feet off the ground I want to let you know how much i have enjoyed the wealth of information in your kit I am excited to begin my personal chef business and I look forward to on-line discussions. Thanks
November 27, 2014 10:13 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
hello, my name is lisa and i’m a member in the boulder co area. my business is personal culinary preparations. let me say first that i have received more new clients via the internet than any other media form. joining was a definate plus and i would reccommend it to any new personal chef. i’m going to be traveling to thailand and austraila for 6 months. i want to study the cuisine in each area, but am especially interested in thai cooking. from what i have seen on the internet most of the thai cooking schools are geared for tourists (non professionals). i am looking for a more indepth study... View Article
November 27, 2014 10:13 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Thanks so much for your help. I really love this organization and have learned so much from the forum and the materials. I now have three clients, another who will be starting next month, and two more who are very interested. I was so nervous to make the leap, but everything has gone so smoothly, and I think a lot of that is due to the APPCA. Thanks again! Sincerely,
November 27, 2014 10:12 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Candy, I greatly enjoyed meeting with you at the (IACP) conference. You are a gifted speaker with tremendous presentation skills. Your workshop was a hit! I am looking forward to discussing the Personal Chef option in greater detail soon. Regretably, I will be in LA this weekend and unable to attend your San Diego workshop this time. I will contact you when I return to see if we can set up another time when you’re in town. Should I return to live in San Diego after culinary school next year, perhaps we can network more often. Regards
November 27, 2014 10:11 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Thanks Patt so much for the prompt attention. I had a great time at the seminar and it it so nice to have faces to connect to the names. FYI: When I got home I had a message from a woman who wants my service as well as her daughter and for her mother! I have as assesment meeting with her on Friday! Great blessings and joy!! Thank you again for all the encouragement and support and I may be calling you for a pep talk before Friday.
November 27, 2014 10:10 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
If you are SERIOUS about this business, you must make the investment in enrolling in this seminar. If you’ve already purchased your training materials, the additional cost to attend a seminar is not that much (Just call Candy and ask!). There is NOTHING like getting together with experienced PCs (Jim Davis conducted and Wendy Perry visited), along with other new PC’s–to sit down, face- to-face with “Experience” and hammer out all those questions you have (packaging, procedure, marketing, etc., etc., and yes–those insecurities too! There’s no way to ever put all this into a training manual. Each of us are different, and we, therefore, will want to run our businesses... View Article
November 27, 2014 10:08 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
As an ACF member, I have learned the value of a national organization which supports my profession. As a personal chef, no other organization has compared to the APPCA in providing this same level of professionalism, and support. I am confident in my cooking, but they have given me the tools to build a successful and rewarding business. Chef Ira Michaelson, Your Personal Gourmet “A Personal Chef Service”
November 27, 2014 10:06 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
As a professional chef on a yacht, I already knew how to cook. What I needed to know was how to market my service, how to set up my business and how to reach potential clients. The APPCA provided all that and more. I got all most all of my clients from I love owning my own business. Nadine and Dane’s PCS Santa Clara, CA
November 27, 2014 10:01 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Ciao Everyone! I’m just getting set up to start my business…I’m one of those “crazy ones”, trying to get everything ready in 30 days…but I’m actually almost there! I just wanted to say a thousand thanks to Candy and everyone else in the APPCA! I’ve gone through the training manuels and am reading the forums daily…I’m sooo impressed with the caliber of people, the support everyone is willing to give, the practical suggestions, and the committment everyone has to the success of, not only their own businesses, but to the success of others! I first heard about the APPCA a few months ago when I read a press release about... View Article
November 27, 2014 10:00 am
Published by Dennis Wallace
Hi Candy, Although I will be attending the Summit next week, I thought I would send you an e-mail to thank you for all that you do instead of trying to tell you in person since I know you will be very busy next week. I have been in the food industry since 1994 working part time for caterers learning the business. In 1998 my 20 year marriage ended and I needed to go from being a stay at home mom to a full time worker. I started a catering business and it was good because I was able to still be there for my son when he needed me.... View Article