Dear Fellow APPCA chefs,
I just wanted to extend a huge thank you to all of you out there on the forums – especailly you regulars! I’ve been a member since the summer of 2005 and took the seminar with Jim that fall. I have 2 small children and I’m taking my time setting up my business – taking on jobs as I can fit them into my boys’ schedules. Anyway, I’ve been such a “lurker”, reading posts and learning from all of your experiences.
Yesterday I had my first “real” cook date for a couple and their two children. They sounded great over the phone – they live fairly close to me, they have no allergies, no food phobias and they were super nice. As I’m driving to their house I’m wondering “what’s wrong with them?” They seemed too good to be true!
Anyway….to sum up my day – it went great! It was honestly flawless (I’ve done this for friends in the past and that has truly NOT been the case!) Oh, and I’m sure many of you will smile at this… the only time I started getting flubbed up was when the clients came in to chat!!! Fortunatly that wasn’t often and only for very brief moments. Overall, the clients ARE awesome – very laid back & friendly. Got my check and a tip??! I told them I would call back in a couple of days to see how it was going.
Ok, so the point of my post is to say thanks to each and everyone of you for sharing your ideas, lessons learned and your business sense. Thank you also to everyone in San Diego – you are always so helpful when I have a question or concern. Another thanks to Jim for teaching a wonderful seminar – I swear little tid bits that he shared were popping into my head all day! I know I wouldn’t be where I am right now without APPCA. The wealth of information you gain from the membership is INVALUABLE – you can’t get it working on your own – it’s just not possible. The money I spent on the seminar and my dues are worth every penny. Looking forward to earning enough $$ to go the a summit one day and meet all of you!