Hello, I first would like to thank you for letting me pursuit my dreams. I’ve always love to cook and when I realized I wanted to become a Chef, It was too late. I’ve already had two children and an Internet business with my husband. I couldn’t possible say to him…Honey, I quit…I am going to school for a year to become a Chef and when I graduate who knows who will hire me… Surfing the net I found you and well…I had made a name for myself here in Montego Bay. I don’t particularly follow your rules. Things in Jamaica are different. Everybody has a maid so I don’t cook for them. They also don’t beleive in frozen food, BUT!!! I implemented a eat healthy plan and since Jamaicans don’t know how to eat healthy, they hire me to cook their meals daily. I cook their three meals plus two snacks from my house and they pick it up from me and put it in their fridge. I also cook for parties and corporations. Anyways, I like more information about college. Can you do it online or by mail???