In May 2005, I joined the American Personal & Private Chef Association as one of the ways I could support my decision to change careers and become a personal chef. About the same time, I enrolled as a culinary student at the Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Since that time I have heard multiple accolades about our association and you specifically, Candy. As a student member of ACF, I receive the periodical, Sizzle, published by the organization. What a treat it was to see you featured in the article, “Advice from the Pros!” It was great to see our niche of the industry represented in such a positive way. Also recently, I was on the student panel that met with the ACF accreditation team on their site visit to our school. During introductions, we were asked to talk a little about our visions for our professional future. When I said that my goal was to be a personal chef, all members of the panel commented on how they had heard you speak at a recent conference and they were so impressed with what you said. Again, I was proud to be affiliated with our organization!