This service business, Personal Cheffing, is here to stay! It is one of the 12 fastest growing home based businesses in the country, according to Entrepreneur Magazine’s January 1999 issue.

I have been a Personal Chef since 1993. It was the best career decision I ever made. Prior to that I was a private chef and found it very incomplete, not satisfied with servicing just one family. Expanding my business started off a little slow, but I promoted the HECK out of my business. I was able to get on all three TV network affiliates here in San Diego within 9 a nine month period. Boom, business took off. I continued to promote my business anyway I could get peoples’ attention. It worked! Happy, satisfied, well fed clients are your best advertising. Word of mouth promotion is very powerful!

Since starting to work here in the APPCI office in January of this year, I gave away alot of my clients, keeping my favorites, just cooking 1 or 2 X a week. I managed the same 14 clients for almost 2 years, working 3-4 days a week; cooking for them every 2, 4 or 6 weeks. I was not able to take on any additional people. Sometimes one would drop off or various reasons, go into a nursing facility, move, but there was always another one to come along it seems. Once you have a few happy clients, word of mouth takes over, this I know! I always offered a wide range of international cuisine, thus it would be hard to get tired of repeat menu items. The feature of our service is preparing healthful, non chemically enhanced, palate specific dinners. This is a welcome change to the way most people are used to eating. Please don’t think of food that has been frozen as a negative. It is a way of preserving the flavor and can be enjoyed by the client at their convenience.

I will be in touch with you by phone and look forward to speaking wiht you personally.

Ina Kuller

Ina Kuller Nov-27-2014