Two years ago I got on the internet and found Candy and the APPCA. I bought the whole program; membership, seminar, training program and a listing on personal After several months of shuffling my feet and afraid to leave my roots in the restaurant industry, I got down to business and followed her program. It’s very hard work starting your own business.

I got customers, made mistakes, got better and then I got quite good. Now, I have 200% of I wanted to achieve. Before taxes, I will make six figures this year. I work five days a week/50 hours. I cook for 10 great clients weekly that love my service and me.

I am certain I would not be this successful, prosperous and happy without Candy & Dennis’s organization. We now have a Northern California APPCA Chapter, one of the first, which is supported by the APPCA/APPCI. Everytime I look around this organization is growing and getting better. It’s very exciting. Now, I’m part of it.

If you have what it takes, you will love working for yourself in this industry. Save yourself time and money and join THIS organization. Take it from someone who walked the road less traveled.

Chef Dane Nov-27-2014