Come Home to APPCA and Profit from Benefits 365 days a year!
Dear former APPCA member, Business is picking up for personal chefs! We’re hearing from former clients who want to come back to using a personal chef, and we’re also hearing from former members who want to re-start their personal chef businesses. Here is the good news: You can re-join APPCA for a $175.00 regular Renewal Fee, Plus a $25.00 admin fee for a total of $200 and get connected to the people, places, latest information, and continuing education you need to succeed throughout the year. We will send you all the latest “Quick Start” information plus a new APPCA Patch. APPCA membership offers a powerful set of benefits and continually connects you to America’s leading professional colleagues and business contacts through:
Great benefits of membership include:
- Top Internet presence on our Find-A-Chef search site. Get more client contacts – many members say they book over 50% of their clients through
- Free use of Personal Chef Office – APPCA’s exclusive Web-based recipe/menu and small business management software accessible from any computer or mobile device. Pre-loaded with over 1500 personal chef favorite recipes including special diets.
- a’la minute – APPCA’s official bi-monthly BLOG & e-newsletter. Read important articles about the industry, special features, market research, recipes and more.
- Download all the latest “Quick Start” bonus files from our online file repository.
- Deep membership discounts for custom Web site design, hosting and SEO/SEM services from THE experts. We build beautiful Web sites that do well in local search engine results.
- Access to your own affordable liability insurance.
- With your new Member ID card, you’ll receive a new embroidered APPCA patch.
- More about the benefits of membership.
Professional and social networking:
- APPCA’s Discussion Forums – The best place for collegial support and where you get your questions answered as well as the industry’s comprehensive, searchable knowledge base. Over 120,000 personal chef to personal chef discussions!
APPCA Facebook Group – Meet online for social networking and fun.
APPCA LinkedIn Group – Hang out your shingle for professional networking.
- Personal Chef Association social site for foodies. Blogs, events, forums, chat, and great foodie images and more.
APPCA membership truly connects personal chefs and culinary professionals to each other in real and tangible ways with the people, places and knowledge needed to succeed, and it’s only getting better!
Rejoin today by credit card or call us at 800-644-8389. We look forward to welcoming you back!
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