Option A: Home-Study Course ($600) includes:
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The most up-to-date, comprehensive training materials in the personal-chef field, The American Personal & Private Chef Institute Training Materials (16th edition, April 2018), is written by Candy Wallace, APPCA executive director and award-winning expert in the industry. It includes valuable information designed to assist you with:
- A Day in the Life of a Personal Chef

- Time Management
- Advertising & Media Relations
- Business-Collateral Materials
- Personal Chef Office User Manual
- Checklists, Forms & Glossary of Food Terms
- Effective Business Planning
- Finances & Accounting
- Municipal Regulations & Taxes
- Effective Business Planning
- Target Marketing
- Internet Marketing & SEO
- Social Media Marketing
- The Sales Process and Customer Service
- Personal Chef Office — revolutionary online (web-based) personal-chef-specific software, which provides recipe, menus and business-tracking tools that eliminate the need for expensive, time-consuming set up of generic support software. Pre-loaded with over 1,500 personal-chef tested recipes. Since this is online web-based software, you can access it securely from anywhere. Works great with MAC computers too.
- 1st-year membership to APPCA.
- 39 minute “A Day in the Life of a Personal Chef” a streaming video that shows you the rhythm of a personal-chef cook date and walks you through just how doable this career is for you.
- Access to the private Members Discussion Forum, where you can share stories, get ideas, and build your network. It includes more than 100,000 searchable, topic-specific posts by working personal chefs. This is a personal chef graduate school, of sorts, as it is the most comprehensive knowledge base available in the personal-chef industry.
- A Web referral page on “Find A Chef” registry at www.personalchefsearch.com. This registry has maintained the top-ranking with search engines since 1995.
- Your company’s listing in our FREE “Find & Hire a Chef” mobile search apps for iOS iPhone/iPad and Android devices. Get even more client contacts.
- Access to national-association rates for A+ rated general-liability insurance for personal chefs. We offer the most comprehensive and flexible risk coverage for your business available. Go to www.personalchefinsurance.com.
- Exclusive Web Custom Design and Hosting Services at deep discount rates.
- Embroidered APPCA membership patch for your chef coat.
- APPCA membership identification card.
- A LA Minute Blog & Newsletter
- Certificate of course completion.
- Shopping discounts for members.
- Eligibility for regional and local chapter memberships.
- Member discount for annual Personal Chef Summit Educational Conferences and Culinary Tours.
- Ongoing support, networking, mentoring and coaching.
- Fast and effective member services.
- Shipping and handling via USPS Priority Mail is included.
AND our new Video Streaming Library that includes:
Not everyone can pick up and travel for a two-day live seminar. This Option G program includes the Industry’s only Personal Chef Video Seminar Library (streaming). You will see an entire seminar (3 videos) filmed at the San Diego Culinary Institute with detailed explanations, discussions, anecdotes, and attendee questions and expert answers. Ten (10) total streaming videos!
That’s why the APPCA developed the Seminar Video Series – a collection filmed during an actual Live Seminar that allow you to review the process as often as you like in the comfort of your own home on your desktop, laptop, or tablet.
You will watch the entire seminar, including:
- detailed explanations.
- discussions.
- anecdotal stories.
- tons of valuable time and money saving tips.
- member questions and answers!
This is the ONLY video collection of its kind available in the entire Personal Chef industry! You will also receive 6 (six) Personal Chef Special Skills videos.
AND Our Quick Start Files Download Folder that includes:
- Customized business forms, slide presentations, and “ready to use” template files to get you started quickly.
- Startup checklists to manage costs and save time.
- A complete press release and media kit with sample templates.
- Heating and freezing recipe information.
- Personal Chef Office operating manual (PDF)
- Sample brochures and fliers.
- Scores of sample forms critical to your personal-chef business.
- Numerous multimedia film clips and many other valuable online resources.
This program has been carefully designed to help you have your personal-chef business on track within 30 to 60 days.
This is an outstanding value for only $600!
For fast downloadable delivery of this Home Study Program check out our new Green Option!
APPCA consistently and consciously sets the highest standards for the personal-chef industry. We stand by our training programs and our membership’s success, delivering in our philosophy, “promises made, promises kept.”
The APPCI training programs and materials are the source material for the written certification exam offered through the ACF/APPCA certification partnership.
There are no hidden fees in the APPCI/APPCA training programs or membership.
Option A is the core curriculum of all APPCI training programs. To facilitate your personal-chef growth, once Option A has been purchased by a member in good standing, Option B (2-Day Seminar) may be obtained by deducting the cost of Option A from the purchase price.
Click Here to ORDER now.